Arky of Toast
Greg Byrd aka Toast Posties is best known as an artistamp manufacturer, & once issued a Paghat Commerative from the imaginary nation, the Arky of Toast. He also sent me, many years back, a beautiful, fragile pottery bell in the shape of a rat. If my memory isn't failing me, the bell was made by his significant other. It still hangs in my library.
I've met Greg on a couple of occasions & he's a most likeable guy of the sort who makes me wish I were more social & willing to impose myself on him from time to time.
This 1997 post card is considerably reduced in size to be shown here. It is a design for a brass door knocker. How I wish I could possess just such a knocker!
Greg adapting his famed skill as an artistamp maker sent me quite a number of these ratty bookplates, which I've used in many books in my personal library.
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