The Haddock



Ooo, scary. There's a reason he's sometimes called Eerie Billy Haddock. He's been in the mail art world forever, & may well have been one of the first people ever to send me mail art when I first played with it as a kid so many decades ago. I was destined to move so many times through the years, I was unable to keep stuff from back then. I'm afraid I may have tossed some things into dumpsters that I'd sure treasure today if I still had them. But, well, when you're a kid on the run, you don't take much with you in those moments when things again get rough.

This mail art post card adapts the other mail art idea of artistamps, in that the card is simultaneously a big 29-cent Charles Manson commerative cinderella postage stamp. The method of composition is painted box cardboard with stenciled images against the the painted background, plus a grocery sticker, cuz why not. The address side is a chaos of stamps, stickers, & a note about having just gotten back to Eugene from Seattle; we could've passed each other on Broadway. The card was posted to me from Eugene, Oregon, in August of 1994.

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