The Berries Gallery:
Late Spring Berries portrait of
Amelanchier canadensis
Shadblow Serviceberry or Juneberry
In May & April, the white flowers of the
Serviceberry turn to green fruits. These slowly turn
pink then bright red in June & continue ripening
to purple-black by June's end & July.
The first photo was snapped early in June, this second late in June.
The berries must've been sweetening up even before turning dark,
because birds arrived & cleaned off the bush before the fruit was
really ripe, & before we got a chance to taste any ourselves.
Other bushes nearby also had berries which the birds ignored,
but they left not one serviceberry.
A year later, again in June, the fruits were far more numerous,
& we beat the birds to them. Oh my serviceberries are tasty!
Fresh from the branches they are sweet & delightful.
In May (as shown here after a rain) the berries
were cream colored with violet-purple tips.
In early June the unripe cream-colored fruit & the
ripe red fruit hang side by side on long stems.
For more about our Shadblow Serviceberry, see the primary
Amelanchier canadensis page
& also see the
Shadblow Serviceberry page of the Autumn Leaves gallery
Continue to the Next Page of the Berries Gallery.
copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl