'Rominette Pink'
Double English Daisy
"In youth from rock to rock I went,
From hill to hill in discontent
Of pleasure high & turbulent,
Most pleased when most uneasy;
But now my own delights I make, --
My thirst at every rill can slake,
And gladly Nature's love partake,
Of Thee, sweet Daisy!"-William Wordsworth
(1770-1850)The Rominette series of English daisies (Bellis perennis) come in red, pink, & white. Shown in the May photo is a Pink Rominette.
They like semi-shade to sunlight & semi-moist conditions in rich soil. They will look less marvelous in too hot or too dry a position, but if they like where they're at they can self-seed willfully, though seedlings from doubles often revert to singles.
If they don't like their conditions sufficiently to self-seed they'll eventually die out of the garden. As biennials they flower best their second year, but can bloom their first year if started early enough.
The flowers are closed at dusk or in dimly lit overcastdays. On sunnier days they are round fully double pompoms, with so many petals some of them hide their yellow eye. They have rather the apperance of miniature chrysanthemums four to six inches tall.
copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl