The photo above-top is of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher with their dogs Vida Bleau (chocolate brown chihuahua), Bama (fawn deer-head), and a third larger dog, elderly Wonka.
The second and third immediately above and at right were snapped with the same camera-phone and sent to fans via twitter, as Ashton in particular is a bit of a twitter addict.
These photos shows Bama and Vida Bleau; and in one picture is a third chihuahua, name unknown to me.
The fourth photo below is of Bama in Demi's lap. All these pictures were taken in Ashton and Demi's car. Going places with four dogs ain't always a cinch, but they love these Bama and Vida so much, they like to keep them near.
Bama became very famous through twitter, even though Vida Bleau is more calmly behaved for carrying about in public places. And Ashton was the very first user of twitter to obtain one-million followers.
Among these followers were many from Birmingham and other places in Alabama who became convinced, without evidence, that Ashton and Demi named their deerhead chi after their state, shortened to Bama because of the character-restriction for twittering. But no, Demi named Bama, she twitted, "cuz she bombed after things O'Bama!"
Bama was a rescue dog. He constantly gets into trouble, being very active on their Idaho property. He's been captured on film fleeing from a moose, and he managed once to get himself stinkily sprayed by a skunk.