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Jake "the One-Eyed Monster Chihuahua," in 2006, entered the World's Ugliest Dog contest and came in third, though there's nothing ugly about him.

JakeHis owner J. J. Scheele figured Jake got extra points for marking his territory while on stage while being assessed by the judges.

He has used his celebrated Alleged Ugly Dog status to bark out as spokesdog against puppy mills, as he'd been badly treated in a puppy mill as a stud for nine years before he was rescued.

Though he had congenital health issues that should've prohibited him from ever having been bred, the average hell-hole of a production kennel really doesn't care.

"Monster Dog" one-eyed Jake's duties in educating the public against puppy mills led him to guest-appearances on Geraldo at Large, Animal Planet, and other shows, and he was the subject of a best-selling t-shirt against puppy mills, still sold through the Humane Society.

Adopted from a San Diego rescue shelter when he was estimated already to be ten years old, he was in exceedingly poor health, had never been socialized, so was quite a handful at first.

Like the majority of chihuahuas, rehabilitated Jake had no problems with his personality, but conducted himself as though he's the biggest and handsomest dog in town. "He even rules the neighborhood dog park," said J. J. Scheele. "Considering that he's the smallest and oldest dog in the park, this is quite an achievement."

Scheele continued, "When people first meet him they tend to feel sorry for him, then they get to know him and realize there is nothing to worry about. ÝHe is healthy, very tough and rules the world around him.

"Jake has a considerable amount of confidence and has no idea he may not be the most handsome dog on the block. What he lacks in beauty he makes up for in personality by far. This ugly dog is loved by many, even if from afar, as you may get bit if you're not too careful! He may be moody, he may be ugly, but I have never once regretted adopting an older dog with issues who would otherwise have been put to sleep."


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