'Mango Lassi' Geum;
or, Avens
"May! queen of blossoms,
And fulfilling flowers,
With what pretty music
Shall we charm the hours?"-Edward Thurlow, Lord Thurlow
(1781-1829)'Mango Lassi' shown in May blossom is rather too-cutely named after a fruit smoothy; I guess we're lucky it wasn't named "Orange Slurpy."
It is quite a beautiful multi-colored double-flower shining in every shade of orange, gold, apricot, & mango -- a real beauty developed by Blooming Nursery, a wholesale grower in Oregon's temperate Tualatin Valley.
It wants full sun or a little shade, in moist well-drained soil. Ours is shaded by thinly branching 'Album' Ironclad Rhododendron.
Primary flowering is May & June. Deadheading will usually induce later rebloom, sometimes to the cusp of autumn.
The basal leaves form a clump no more than a foot high & wide. The slightly furry & toothed leaves are strongly evergreen through winter, & take on attractive autumn or winter coloration.
We also planted an intensely red double-geum,
Geum quellyon var flora plena 'Blazing Sunset'
copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl