The Garden Paths #1:
The Shade Corridor



As lawn areas vanish in favor of expanding gardens, Granny Artemis & I are left with only narrow paths. The intent is to make it all seem like a wild woodland walk, even though it's just a circle around the house. First up is the "Shade Corridor" viewed from the morning-sun end facing an arbor at the west end. It is early March & as yet not much is blooming, but two early-flowering rhodies are 'PJM Elite' in the foreground, & through the arbor you can make out 'Snow Lady.'


Here's the same corridor in March, after the winter-flowering camellias are finished & before many of the spring-bloomers are started & before the deciduous items have releafed. This shot is looking east while standing under the akebia arbor. When we bought the house in 1999, this shady spot between the house & the garage was an unplanted mud-slick.


And here's the shade corridor after January snowfall. The dwarf tree in the foreground is an Alpine Fir.

Continue counterclockwise 'round the house to
The Flagstone Patio Path


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