The Garden Paths #4:
The Flagstone Patio



Here's the partially finished flagstone patio in March 2004 when I first started it. This is at the northwest corner of the house.


And here it is pretty much finished. Quite a bit of sun gets into it in winter because most of the shrubs & two cherry trees are leafless. In spring it is very enclosed by leafiness. The raised area behind the wall is the old level of the yard before I excavated; the raised bed is packed with ferns & woodland flowers under woody shrubs.


When you walk to the other end of the flagstone patio you come to a mere packed-earth path green with turf. In the foreground is a sweet cherry flowering in late March & a big forsythia. Immediately past the forsythia & not really in view is a Japanese maple.

Continue counterclockwise 'round the house to
The West-side Path


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