The Garden Paths #5:



This sidewalk runs along the west side of the house, seen here facing south, in March. That cloud of white flowers over the yellow daffodils is a shadblow serviceberry bush.


Here it is on the same day but facing north. March (2005) was the very last month I could photograph the white picket fence, because at month's end I began taking down the fence & replacing it with a short stacked-stone ledge so that the garden can be be more fully appreciated & easily accessed from both sides.

Jean Marie

The sidewalk stroll changes every month, even every week. Here, facing south in May (2004), is a spot in the sun-garden with Rhododendron 'Jean Marie' in full display.


The sidewalk again, this time in April (2005), after part of the picket fence seen in the first photo above has by this time been replaced by a short brick wall for a raised bed. The 'Jean Marie' rhody isn't yet blooming, but its sister-seedling & close look-alike 'America' is, & so is the 'Mother's Day' Azalea equally red.

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Back Yard Path


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