The Garden Paths #6:


Back Yard

In the back yard facing north in May. This part of the path leads between the White Throat Azalea & the Black Swan Beech.

Back Yard

Granny Artemis has exited the shade corridor just around the corner & is passing under a limb of the Black Swan, still in May. A mere one week earlier there were no leaves on the Black Swan, though the azalea was already fully aflower. The Black Swan's leaves emerge bronze but will darken to purple-black by summer.

Back Yard

This photo was snapped in March, standing about where Granny Artemis is standing in the second photo above, facing south. The White Throat Azalea is still leafless & in bud.

Back Yard

This part of the back yard path, facing north, is more or less below/beside a raised deck. The March-flowering shrub is an Elfhome's Spirea. Beyond the spirea is a fuzzy-looking evergreen (Taiwanese Juniper) & beyond that an Alaska Cedar.

Back Yard

It's still March; passing by the Alaska Cedar the path opens up, & that's a winter-blooming Dawn Viburnum on the right, & one limb can be seen in the upper right hand corner from the Cedar of Lebanon (see the cedar's own page for a shot of the back yard under snow). It would take a few more steps before the Black Swan Beech & White-throat azalea have an unbroken view.

Back Yard

This is a view (in October) through the same narrow spot beside/below the raised deck. The abutilon at the head of that narrow path has been flowering no later than since May. The evergreen limb hanging into the photo at the upper left hand corner is the Alaska cedar.

Return to the path through
The Shade Corridor


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