Some Steppingstones
Steppingstones add texture to a garden or path. This one is fired pottery, almost three inches deep, so it is placed along a depression in a path that sometimes puddles.
Here's a section from a grouping of flat rocks & cement stones at the bottom of the deck stairs. This kind of simple arrangement seems ever so much more appealing than the sort of dreary concrete pad people call their patios.
Here's another section of the same array of flat rocks & cement flagstones. We obtained the "four square by four square" stones very cheaply because we selected many that were broken into smaller sections of three by two squares & suchlike, our tastes running to the uneven.
Granny Artemis made this steppingstone out of cement & imbedded stones & glass. It's part of a row of steps that leads to the rear of a jack-in-the-pulpit garden.
Paghat made this one at the same workshop, using pebbles & glass. Now that we know how easy these are to make, we'll be making many of them in the future.
This rectangle concrete stepping stone is designed to look like a segment of cedar bark. It has been slowly sinking into the grass & eventually I suppose I'll have to lift it up & put some sand underneath, though I rather like how the grass impinges on it.
This steppingstone is sitting in the middle of a garden so that there's always a place to put one's foot or knee without crushing plants.
copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl